This will be perfect to hold all of the cards you have been making with each issue of SheetLoad. Find out more about this product at:

To be entered to win this prize, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post with your first name, last initial and email address*. (see below for more specifics)
Deadline: March 9th, Midnight CST
Specifics: All comments must include your first name and last initial. If your comment is not linked to a blog that has "contact me" info, you must also include your email address*. ie: "Anonymous" posts must have all three pieces of info to qualify.
Winner will be announced here on March 10th.
*I will not use the email address to SPAM you. If you feel more comfortable inserting spaces in the address, that is fine. I just don't want to have to track down a lot of anonymous winners. If you do not include your email address, or a link to a blog with contact info, your entry will be voided.
that is pretty darned neat. I have a similar thingie I keep fibers in but it isnt very pretty.
Thanks so much for the chance to win! I currently keep my cards scattered around my craft room in little ziplock bags, never knew an album to keep them in existed, it looks very cool. My email addy is snoppybug@hotmail.com
Oooh - a competition! Yippee! I am Niccy KA and have recently found your e-zine - love it, love it, love it.
Am very new to card making and find your templates an absolute treat to work with!
my email address is niccyka@gmail.com
Fingers crossed!
I am new to card making and to this blog, but this looks like a fabulous way to keep cards organized!
I am Veronica Garcia - veronicajgarcia@gmail.com
What a great way to store your cards! My email link is on the front page of my blog
whoooowhoooo...MORE candy!!!...yummy prize too!...I left a link to you on #1 candy....Do you need me to link again...I am HAPBEEEEEEE to do that...your e-zine ROCKS, Al.......Debbie H/StudioBeeCreations
What another great give away! Thanks for the opportunity!
Pamela H.
Wow!! A way to organize the cards I have made. Thanks for the chance to win.
Linda Peterson
Thank you so much for the chance to win this cool item! I just discovered your site through a friend's blog.
Jennifer F.
What a great project! Perfect for holding all my cards!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
oops.... my email: allisonnicolecopeAThotmailDOTcom
Oh that is so right for me. I'm trying so hard to get organized, because now my cards are everywhere. rbdafrench@comcast.net
This would be so nice to keep cards that are sent to me. I now keep them in a box =(.
My name is Dawn B and I can be found if I am sooo lucky to win @ Ladybryson@hotmail.com
Great blog, found you on 2pp's..
ohhh...I want one!
Julia H
This kit looks fantastic, great way to store your cards.
How cute is that! I would have never thought to store my cards that way.
What fun. Thanx, Jen for pointing me towards this site. I'd love to win :)
This would be great to organize my cards. I have them loose right now and have to dig if I need to refer to one. Thanks for the chance to win.
Mary Jane D.
iluvspink @ yahoo.com
What a great prize! Who couldn't use a card holder? Thanks for the chance to win.
Sara R.
What a great way to start a week with a competition. Love the website, great job. Keep up the good work.
Suzanne D
That's an awesome card keeper, I've never seen one like it before. Where can I purchase one? Thanks for offering a chance of winning! :) My email address is jillmchale@hotmail.com. Thanks again!
I love this idea! I may have to buy one if I don't win!
I just started making cards and well....my method of storing them ahs been less than productive!! lol This would be great. Thanks for the chance!
Christine S.
Happy Monday! That looks very useful. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Thanks for all your inspiration on your blog.
Cindy R
Congrats on all those hits! Thanks for celebrating with us. I'd love a chance to win that card keeper. Looks like just the thing I need for all those cards I make.
Amanda W.
Oh yeah! I definitely want one of these kits - thanks for the chance (and the reminder that they're out there!)
Susan H
shoney58 at gmail dot com
Great prize! I've seen these and they look so cool!! :) You know where to find me.. ;) lol!!
what a nice thing to do. I love this blog, I;m so glad I found it.
I have to say that the product is pretty neat and I truely LOVE the name of your blog...way too cute!
I can't wait to stat getting your newsletter.
Jaci S.
I has one a deez. Oops...I've been reading LOL Cats! I mean, I have one of these and I love it! It is so full that it hardly closes, so methinks I need another!
Linda F.
Wow! Awesome give-aways! Love the e-zine!
e-mail me at lmb_mickey@hotmail.com!
Wow .. Jennifer R shouted you guys out and wow wee glad she did...
thanks for the wonderful site & chance for the blog candy..
Liz aka javagirl.
Thank you for the chance to win! I just found your blog a few days ago and I am lovin the ezine!
Hilma M Hilmarose @ AOL dot com
This would be awesome to win!
Denise w.
very nice prize!!!
just i'm starting to make some cards and i like it!!
my emai is: mariajesuscch@hotmail.com
oops i forgot
my name
Maria Jesus B.
Thanks for the chance to win. I am new to your Blog/ezinw. I love to make cards, but often need some inspiration. Love the name and now that I know about it will add it to my favorites so I can check it out more often!
Jennifer H
What a great way to store your cards!!
I've been eyeing these card keepers and think it would be wonderful to win one. :) I love your E-Zine and check it monthly. Of course, now, I also subscribe to your blog. Thanks!
Karen L
Wow, this would be awesome to have...I keep my cards in a cube drawer on my desk...but I have to dig thru them every time I'm looking for one!
Thanks for the wonderful chance at this prize!
Diane M., dinobomp@aol.com
Thank u so much for your hard work! Great e-zine!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
Very kewl....please include me in your give-away - thank you for the oportunity..and your generosity -
Debbie Y
garydeb at knology dot net
Woh, this album is super neat! I definitely can use one of these to hold my cards.
Vanessa Y.
This is a wonderful give away!! I just found your fabulous site!! TFS!!
Ila S
What a cool idea for storing cards.
My email addy is bunnyfreak @ yahoo . com.
OHHHH I had saw the review for this and said OHHH I WANT TO soo get that so I would be able to display the cards I have..How awesome of you to do this! :)
Ellie .A
How cool! Thanks for the offer
Patty H. (patty.stamps@gmail.com)
Hope I win. *fingers crossed* =D
What a GREAT idea! I would love to win this one!
Suzanne B.
Have a great day!
WOW! Ever since I saw this last week I have wanted one! Love your site and Congrats on the hits!
Great giveaway!
crossing fingers LOL
What a cool way of storing your cards! Thanks for the chance to win!
Oooh, fun! I'm Jenna Z. at:
beastbunny at hotmail dot com
I love this website. It's so great that you give detailed instructions on what to do. Thanks
Crystal T
Here is the link to my message board post: http://twopeasinabucket.kaboose.com/mb.asp?cmd=display&thread_id=2504985&pg=4
My name is Pascale S. My e-mail is pesc75@hotmail.com. I love your e-zine. Thanks for offering blog candy! :)
Fab giveaway! Good luck everyone :)
Vix K
Hope I'm the lucky one!
Denise N.
Cool Candy!!
Nancy E
nancy at elrick dot ca
my Blog
Thanks for the chance to win.
- Kelly K
Kelleast22 at yahoo dot com
wow! I love those card holders! I've been looking for something to store my cards and that looks great and very practical! thanks for sharing! :)
Nathalia Sistiva
I sure like these... I hope that I win....
Lisa M
Thank you for the chance to win this blog candy! I need one of these. I just found your blog and I am lovin the ezine!
Sheila P
Sheila134 at charter dot net
How cool! Nancy E. sent me over to your blog.
Cindy K.
creativecards at shaw.ca
Wow 66 comments so far!! Very cool! When you first showed us the card keeper I knew it was a wish list item, but maybe it will be fulfilled wish now!! Thanks Alicia!!
Teza H
wow great storage method!! much better than my shoeboxes....
shell T.
this is great!!! add me to the hat!
melissa h
What a fabulous idea - I too just scatter or pile my cards up - looks like just the thing that I need.
Luv Sandie D
What a great idea! This would be great to hold cards from friends as well! Thanks
Pegg L
peggstone at gmail dot com
How neat. What a great celebration! Congrats on your blogging success!!cmclauraATwoh.rr.com
Cool Prize!
Sharon S
Thank you for the blog candy opp. I have enjoyed your ezine before and have it marked in my favs. Darlene L
djstamper2003 at yahoo dot com
I just found your site :) I love it and will be back!!!
My name is JoAnna R. and email is
OOPS! I forgot to leave my info:
APril H.
I would totally love to win one of these. I have been wanting to get page protectors for my cards. Love the Idea.
Teresa F.
email is tres35cowgirl8@yahoo.com
Thanks for the chance - this is such a great way to keep cards!!!
Susan H
shoney58 at gmail dot com
I have been wanting one of these for so long!!! Pick me, pick me...Congrats on 15,000 hits too!! I am new to your blog and will definitely be back:)
Sue R
I am just getting into your site and so far am loving it...thanks for the offer of some blog candy
Melissa G
Please enter me-- thank you.
Karin A
karin56381 (at) gmail (dot) com
Wow, what a cool prize...I need this!
I love your eZine too, it's fabulous!!
XOOXO ~ MamaSheg
I LOVE your site...and look forward to the first of every month for the new ezine to come out!
Allison E
This is a cool idea! Better than the box I keep my cards in! :O)
Georganne C.
What a great give away...such an awesome way to display cards. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Lynn M. lynn.mercurio@gmail.com
I have written a blog post about you & congrats on your success!
Rosie R
ooh! thanx for the inspiration and blog candy opp - count me in!
- SueB of sueblondin.blogspot.com
e to win...I've never heard of this product before!
Denise M.
Great way to protect cards. I love it and thanks for doing the candy.
E-mail is mariespiess@gmail.com
Marie S
This is a wonderful idea.
Annie N.
wow!i could really use this.what a coolidea. oh,this site rocks! tam o
Great giveaway! I might have to purchase one if I don't win.
Melissa G.
Hi Alicia,
Love all the Sheetload Designs...they are easy and fun to make. Keep them coming!!! :)
This is a really great looking Card Keeper Album.
Linda B.
Oh - I need that card keeper! Sure beats keeping them in boxes. Just found your site and happy I did! Thanks for the chance.
Dawn B
What a great idea to store cards. I've never seen one of these. These prizes are sure good learning tools : )
Wow... I am new to this site!!! I love it! I read about this ezine on a friends blog this morning!!! So fun! Thanks, Erika G
What a great idea to keep your cards in one place.
cool! christine d
great blog would love to be included brandi d brandilynn1981@hotmail.com
wow how i'd like to win this for a dear friend
jan S
Wow! This is my first visit to your simply wonderful Blog. I will be back!
I currently have all my cards stuffed into a recipe box - but as I keep making more and more - I am running out of room so most end up scattered on my desk...
What a great idea for these card holder albums.
Andrea B.
Just found your blog from a post on the Cricut MB. Can't wait to have time to check it out because just the first thing, the card holder looks awesome.
Ann S. AShu93@aol.com
What a great idea, I love the display of it all! Great Blog Candy! My cards are all scattered in a plastic craft keeper, i'd like something new! My email is: luvsme@Hotmail.com
Great prize! Thanks for a chance to win. I sure do enjoy SheetLoad & your blog.
Shelly H.
Another great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity:)
Amy H.
amyhordyk at hotmail dot com
This is great!
Crystal A.
Great prize!
Carla R.
mommarobin AT gmail DOT com
Wow super duper. I love your blog. Very informative.
Well my name is Bela W. and you can reach me by belascreatingplace.blogspot.com
Thanks for hosting this wonderful opportunity to learn new things.
P.s. my cards are on display and as I have a change of the cards so to speak they go into a box. I would love to display them another way. There is only enough room on the mantel for my incoming mail. I am blessed to have people make me cards.
I keep trying out different ways to keep my cards and make them showy...but this looks like a winner! Pick me, pick me!
Kim Marie L.
March 4, 2008 6:42 PM
Wow what a neat item. I have mine in a shoebox right now and an old perfume box.
Cindy G
I dont know how to change my comment, but wanted to add my blog to the page
cindy g
This looks like the perfect card holder, i do have my cards in a small photo alblum. great prize..........
okay, i guess i can't follow directions very well. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great card holder............
Karen P
Jo O
Nice to see this site, I haven't been here before but Nancy E had a message on her blog about Sheetload of cards.. first off I haven't been able to quit laughing at THE name.. GOOD choice. Jo O
jJo O
I love the name of your site.. makes me laugh so I should remember it easily.
Thank you for the chance to win and also to view all of the lovely cards. Jo O
neat name for you site.. I have you added to my special lists now too. Wouldn't it be loverly if I won here.
Thank you for the chance to win this awsome blog candy. ChrissyM
This is soo exciting! http://createdbybd.blogspot.com/
Barbara D
What an awesome product! I can't wait to start storing and organizing my cards in these!
Melissa M spmissy@aol.com
WOW! Over 120 comments already!!! Congrats on the 15,000 hits!
I would love the Card Keeper album as right now they are all over the place in my bedroom!!!
Nathalie L.
fromagequipue@ hotmail.com
Thanks for the opportunity!
I just found your site and love the idea of sketches for cards. It's wonderful and to be able to have an album to hold them in. How great is that. I really like the idea and hope that you will pick me. My email addy is jab1829@athenet.net.
Jean B
Great idea for card storage!! Love your ezine~!!
Tania R
thanks for the chance to win! I always need help with organizing !
whoo hoo candy, candy, Thanks for the chance, Kathy H.
These contests sound like fun!
My name is Becky H
My email is becky@harts.name
Thanks so much for the giveaway of a great product.
Bev W.
b .werts @sbcglobal . net
What a fun way to display all your favorite cards...Thanks for sharing..
Debbie P
email addy angelfish6388@aol.com
Love your blog, I have it in my feeds so I know when a new post is made!!
What a great way to store your cards!
Tobey S.
Thanks for the chance at blog candy.
Donna H.
I LOVE his candy! Wonderful idea!
Anita G.
This is such a cool thing! I'm really into gettin my space organized right now. Maybe it's the weather.:) This would be perfect
Amy G.
sethat is so cool!!
thx for the chance to win
Melissa W
blog: http://scrapper4jesus.wordpress.com/
Ooooo - I just found your blog and I *love* it! Thanks for inspiration and the opportunity for the blog candy - anything that says 'organizer" is certain to be useful around here!
~Linda C manybooks @ comcast.net (take out the spaces...)
Ohh, these are cool!
I've never seen these before. They sure would be handy!
kimberlee P thanksalatte@gmail.com
Wow, this is cool!
Smriti Yamini
What a neat thing! Just the other day I found a card holder thingy that I think is meant for some type of accounting stuff but thought it would work for organizing my cards. I was so excited to get it home and put my newest cards in. And it is full already. With a little luck I will win your item and will have to make more cards! Wouldn't that just be a shame? Ha ha!
Nina E-K
this would be great as i don't have my cards in anything but on the dresser and that gets messy as they are always falling down.
Monica Sheldon
I have been looking for a way to store completed cards, this just may do it.
Hi... I love your blog and the Sheetload of Cards... They rock!!! :O) Nancy P.
What another awesome give away!!!
Nicole W.
Great giveaway!!! I enjoy your blog!
That album is pretty cool. I would love to win something like that.
Angelina B
this is an awesome item! here's the info: Alana O. stamperchick@hotmail.com
What great giveaways! I would love one of these systems. Denise B. denise@navstarland.ca
How cool are these! Wouldn't mind trying these to get organized.
this iz wa col pic me pleze i am newbe to this site but i luv it i put u in the favs rite awa thanxs for the chans to win
Merri B
What a great way to store cards! Thanks for the chance to win this!
Love your candy and thanks for the chance to win. This looks like a great organizing tool.
I like this storage idea. Not only is it functional for storage, but it looks like the cards would be well protected also. Thanks for a chance to win.
What a great give away ! I too am guilty for storing my cards pretty much everywhere but all together ! LOL
Lizette S.
Wow! Those Cardkeepers look like a great idea for my growing collection. Thanks for sharing!
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