(click on the thumbnail above to download the PDF issue)
The February '09 issue of SheetLoad features a sketch by Nicole Anderson, stamps by Unity Stamp Company and a special guest artist - Joy Stagg!Ignore -- Our New "Publisher"
This month I am testing out a new publishing site, Yudu, for the eZine. You can click on the thumbnail above and be taken to a different site where it will load a browsable version of the issue.
When you turn each page, you will notice some areas light up in red for a second - all of those areas are clickable!!
If you want to find out more about an advertiser, click on their card. If you want to see more work from one of our DT members, click on their URL. When you fall in love with the stamps used on a card, just click on the card and be taken to Unity's online store!!
You can also print and save the issue from the new site/window!
Once you read through the new issue, I would love to hear your feedback on publishing it with Yudu. Please feel free to leave your thoughts/comments here.
I love it!! I didn't try printing it yet, but I love the new publisher!! WOO HOO!! Great cards girls!
i downloaded it to my computer and then i had to register with the site to look at it. I hope i don;t have to be online to view it all the time cause i like to work on these cards away from where i have internet. I don;t like to have to print them.
This publisher looks slicker but I don't like it. I would like to have been warned that I needed to sign up for another site before I could save this file. I prefer the pdf version.
Well just my two cents worth I found it so much easier to read in the old way but sure loved the ezine dear
Great issue. Thanks for the PDF link. I never print these just keep a copy downloaded to my computer. Saves paper.
Wasn't to happy to have to sign up to view. So i was going to pass on this months issue. Glad I saw the link.
I had to download your PDF edition because I could'nt read the other one if I wouldn't be logged in. I do not print those issues because I'm trying to unclutter my home. So I know exactly where it is and don't have to manage all those papers! Thanks so much this issue is wonderful!
I always save the issue and work with it later and definately prefer the PDF file for download.
I work off line.
It would very inconvienient to have to log in each time to work on the material.
Otherwise, the site is nice for viewing but I think it is inconvienient to work with the file at the site.
LOVE the issue. Thanks.
Great issue! I can see many possibilities with this sketch.
I love the Zine and the publisher you're using! Very user friendly. Now for the cards...I have fallen in love with so many of the cards and projects in the Zine! I saw some stamps that are now on my wish list. This is awesome! Thanks to you all for putting this together!
I have to side with those who don't like it. I've always had trouble opening the magazine from my home computer (even though it's a much newer and better system than at work), and now I can no longer save it to my work computer and email it to myself to download later. Consider me disappointed.
Just discovered this today!!!! How cool! Love Unity and Congrats Joy!
Alicia, I think the issue is fabulous, thanks for posting both versions, you are fantastic!
I hate it. I can't even view it because I don't have the right flash player. I've tried numerous times to get this flash player, and I can't. I don't know why. I guess I won't be able to play along with you guys anymore. Sorry.
Does anyone know where I find the pdf link since I can't read this new fangled way?
Never mind. I've found it at the top of the page. Thanks anyway. I prefer Pdf by the way since I can't read the new publisher's version.
yea i'm on the boat with the old way. i never did get it to DL on the new link. i am really glad you put the PDF link up, that was the only way i could get it to work. oh and i do LOVE it BTW!
I was having issues but thought it was just my pc. I could look at the ezine, but then after a few pages it would shut down my internet. I like the current way also, I can keep them on my computer so if I need a older version I can easy access it withough having to be online.
Hi I loved this layout that I did a set for a card swap that I was in.. I have a link back to you from my blog!!
Great issue this month! I didn't sign up for the yuda ezine,I'm just so used to the pdf.. you know old dog and all.. JOY your work is just lovely, all the gals whose artwork was posted really did that sketch proud!! I'm lovin that there were so many different takes on the sketch too, really opens your eyes! Nice job ladies!
This is AWESOME!!! Thank you so much!!! You got great zine going on!!!
Love it. Didn't have any problems.
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