The specifics...
Between today (6/19/08) and through the end of July (7/31/08) ten (10) random comments from this post will be chosen.
If they link to your blog/message board post, that displays the blinkie above, you are a winner!
ETA: The winners...
6-21-08 - Melissa
6-28-08 - Barb
6-28-08 - Dwaye
7-7-08 - Kelli
7-21-08 - Jen T
7-21-08 - Suzanne
7-21-08 - Bev
8-4-08 - Gerrie
8-4-08 - Lynn
8-4-08 - Biljana
The fine print:
Ten winners will be chosen at random and posted on the blog every so often during the period given above.
If the link you provide does not give any contact information, you MUST include contact information (ie: email address) in your comment.
Please make sure if the blinkie is put on a public message board (a MB that does not require membership to view posts), that it does not violate any TOU's of the board.
This kit, which retails for $29.99, is chock full of goodies! I seriously thought about keeping this one for myself. :) You can find out more about the kit contents here. While you are at A Walk Down Memory Lane's site, make sure to check out the rest of their store.
This month we focus on using those $1 stamps ($1.50 for our Canadian readers) you know we all just HAVE to buy. This issue will hopefully encourage you to get them out, dust them off and make some great cards with them.
Our sketch this month was designed by Lee (a.k.a. ayah) and Paula Bloom so graciously accepted a spot as our Guest artist for June. Make sure to check back later in the month for a special episode of "Meet the Artists" where you can learn more about Paula.
For our SheetLoad Showcase this month, we are going to try something new. Make sure to check back on June 3rd to find out how you can "play" along with us.
Also we will be featuring some great blog candies that tie directly into our theme of "dollar stamps". You won't want to miss the chance to win some goodies, am I right?!