To be entered to win just leave a comment on this post with your guess as to what is the theme of July's issue.
All of the correct guesses will be entered into a drawing to win a ShortCuts Gift Card Holder Folder Sampler pack! Five (5) winners will be chosen using random.org.
Get your guesses in by midnight on Monday, June 30th and I will draw a winner next week!
The fine print:
If your comment is not linked to a blog with "contact me" info, make sure to leave your first name and email address in your comment. You are free to add spaces to the email.
Let's see...could it be..Christmas??? :-) Can't wait to see this next issue.
I'm going to guess Christmas/Holiday cards! Can't wait to see it!
Oooh - with July fast approaching (and time speeds up exponentially, don't you know?!), I'm guessing it's "Christmas in July" ... right?!
Looks like Christmas in July!
It looks like Christmas cards to me!
I think it is Christmas in July!!!
Hmmmm...I'm thinking...Christmas...in July!
I say Christmas.
I would definetly say Christmas in July..I LOVE that!!!!!
TRace G
Yep, Christmas in July...It's never too early to start those Christmas cards.
Hmmm...could it be Christmas in July? I'm THRILLED that you are doing this so I can get a jump start on my cards this year!
Christmas in July!!!
Living in North Pole, AK - of course it is Christmas everyday! LOL
Inky hugz,
Candi D.
it has to be xmas in july!
cant wait for this one, i am determined to get all my cards done early this year!!
I think it would be "Christmas in July". Thanks for the great ideas!
hmm its 7 months into the year so that makes it 5 months to.....CHRISTMAS!!!
Amy, UK
Christmas in July!!!!
I really want to see the next issue!!!
God bless
Looks like Christmas in July to me! I love it! Can't wait to see it!
My guess is Christmas in July!
AmPooh @ gmail.com
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!! To me, at least. Can't wait to see them all.
Would it be Christmas in July. Ooohhh and I'm done my Christmas cards for this year. Yeah!!! :)
Merry Merry Christmas, its Christmas in July!!! THis looks great!!!
Christmas in July!!!
I can't wait to see the fun design for our christmas cards!
Can't wait to see all of it. My guess is CHRISTMAS IN JULY!
Thanks for a chance.
Definitely Christmas - there's lots of embellis on the cards too. maybe "decorating" for the holidays? :D
Looks like Christmas in July to me. I can't wait.
I'm hoping for Christmas in July. Maybe if I start in July I'll get all my cards done this year!
Gosh I think it might be "Christmas In July".
Looks like these cards are going to be very fun!!!
Linda B.
Love the sampler sneak for christmas in july. so many wonderful sneaks there. :)
oh my goodness, i havent a clue, just going with a hunch since its July and say maybe Christmas?
I think it will be Christmas in July.
Although I've been thinking about camping, canoeing and hanging out with the kids at the beach, it looks like a Christmas in July theme which will get my mind back to thinking about getting a jump start on those cards!
Dorie R.
MY guess is Christmas in July.
Christmas or more specifically, Christmas in July.
it must be christmas in july! this is the time to start your christmas cards! jen t. (mjk02@comcast.net)---
It's a shot in the dark, but I'm going to guess...Christmas?? :)
Darcie Lozinski
I sure hope it's what I'm wishing for. Christmas/Holiday theme!! Nothing better than getting a jump start on the holiday cards!
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas............ in July!!! ;-)
Hmmm, Christmas in July!! What fun.
My guess is Christmas in July.
Mary. jjjcamp@hotmail.com
I would have to say Christmas in July.
Judy - designsbynanny@aol.com
Um...hmmm...maybe ... Chrismas in July? :-) Thanks for the chance to win!
Christmas, winter, snowflakes! YAY!
With all of the hints of Christmas, I guess Christmas is the theme. Can't wait---looking forward to some Christmas ideas.
Linda Peterson
I can't wait to this issue. I have some of thise stamps. I'm guessing Christmas in July.
Looks like Christmas in July. :)
And it looks fantastic!
I also think the theme is Christmas! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Happy Holidays, I'm guessing Christmas Cards?!!
OHHH Xmas oh my gosh I can't believe it! It is around the corner isn't it!!!! :)
Looks like "Christmas in July" to me!
Sue D
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
Hmmm... it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas - Christmas in July that is! Can't wait!
I'd have to say.... Christmas... LOVING all of them... MUST know where that Penguin is from and what it is, stamp, rub on, sticker... Can't wait for Tuesday to come.
Woohoo! Christmas in July! Love it.
Christmas. My FAVORITE time of the year. I can't wait to see the new issue!
Christmas in July is the theme.
Christmas in July... or just Christmas. It's kind of hard to hide Christmas related things!
The sneak peeks look yummy!
My guess is "Christmas in July"
Can't wait to see it all!!
Christmas in July, I was so hoping that was what ya'll would do.
Christmas in July?
Yeahhh, Christmas in July. A great way to beat the heat. LOL. Can't wait for the next issue.
I am guessing it will be Christmas/holiday cards.
OHHHHH my favorite!!! Christmas in July!!!! Love getting a jump start on my Christmas cards!!!
I would guess it is time to get started making Christmas cards. Fun!
My guess, Christmas in July. But I think Christmas should be every month.
I will guess Christmas in July. ;-)
Xmas in July. HA! That's my favorite holiday to make cards for.
Definitely looks like Christmas and the winter holidays ! It will be great inspiration: I need to get started early this year.
Christmas in July...a timely reminder that we SHOULD be starting our Christmas stamping!
Must be Christmas, lol!!! Can't wait!
Ally V.
I am guessing Christmas in July.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Well, Christmas in July is what first came to mind... then I thought, hmmm what about count down to Christmas, but there are only 21 squares.. so it's not the 12 days of Christmas either..then I noticed there are circles,dots and or round bling in every block so maybe that has something to do with it?? If not then it must be as simple as Christmas in July!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
It's definitely a holiday (Christmas) theme, and there also looks like quite a few circles and ovals. Can't wait to see it!!
Christmas in July, yep.
Christmas in July
Well, obviously each sneak peak has a Christmas theme but I like the idea that the theme is specifically Christmas in July! ;D
the july theme is christmas/holidays/winter in july
Hmmm, I'm thinking Christmas in July. Can't wait until the next issue is out.
Gee, could the theme be Christmas??? ;-)
Christmas! If this is not the theme for July, I'll be disappointed, shocked & surprised!
Christmas in July!
I am excited can hardly wait. The theme is Christmas in July or to be
politically correct, We should assume it is Holiday Seasons in July
Christmas in July - no doubt about it. I can't wait to see the full cards as I know I have some of the stamps used!
Guess I'd have to say Christmas/winter? So pretty!
I think it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Yeah! Thanks for sharing the fabulous blog candy! I can't wait to try these out!
Can it be Christmas in July?
Christmas in July!
Christmas in July!!
I have a feeling that it is "Christmas In July".
hmmm... Christmas in July!
I believe the theme is Christmas/Winter. I can't wait to see it! Thanks for the chance to win!
Tammy H.
O.K...this has been stated many times below, but a good thing bears repeating...Christmas in July!
I think the theme is Christmas in July! I can't wait to see it.
Definitely Christmas in July!
Christmas in July
I am thinking a "blingy" Christmas in July! I can't wait to see this projects!
Virginia Beach,VA
Christmas in July
Hmm, how 'bout Christmas in July!
Hmmm - must be Christmas in July! Pretty cool subject for a hot month!
The theme is Christmas in July!!! I can't wait to see them.
Well i think that the theme is Christmas and it lookes like it would be a "Joy" to read it hihihihihihi.
Greets Sannie
Hmmmm...I am guessing Christmas in July. Love the layouts and sketches- they are a great way to stretch your time and money!
hmmm gonna take a wild guess and say Christmas in July
Hi - love the sneak peaks, can't wait to see the whole pictures! Could it possibly be Christmas in July? - it sure looks that way.
Anne - dinkuminkum at yahoo dot co dot nz
Yipee, christmas in July! I was just thinking the other day that I have to get started on the Christmas cards. Can't wait until Tuesday.
Oh Christmas in July....I love the theme.
Teresa guess is "I say Christmas in July"
Oh...maybe I will guess Christmas in July? Can't wait to see if I'm right!!
Ummmm? Um,um? Jingle Bells, jingle bells....Could it be Christmas in July?
Christmas in July! And I can't wait to see the cards! They look spectacular! Amy ameliasfleurs@nelson-tel.net
Christmas in July! Honestly, I start my cards pretty soon thereafter, so getting ideas now is a great idea!
Holiday/Christmas theme maybe??? :)
I bet it is Christmas in July!!!!
I'd say Christmas in July....Can't wait to see them all.
Looks like Christmas in July. We started our Christmas cards yesterday. Looking forward to the whole thing.
Love this blog.....this is my first time here... My guess would have to be xmas in July.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!!
It's gotta be Christmas in July!
Jennie Gibson
1221 N. Kealing Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46201
Christmas in July is my guess. I cant wait until Tuesday to see the new issue.I could do with a little of that excess snow that we had this winter it is crazy that today could be 100 degrees and just a few weeks ago we woke up to snow on the ground.
Christmas in July is my guess!
SCS ScrappinGalz
I'm going to guess the theme is "Christmas in July."
Theme looks like x-mas (already?)...
Gotta be "Christmas in July" - I love it!!!
Christmas in July
Lisa lisermae@suscom-maine.net
I have to say Christmas.
Cindy F
Im gonna have to go with the crowd and guess its a christmas/holiday theme.
They all look like Christmas tags to me. :) Can't wait to see though.
Christmas in July. What a great idea, maybe this year I won't wait until the last minute to start my Holiday cards.
Melissa M
Christmas in July
Christmas in July
hey well even though i am like 130 or something comments, i am gonna guess.... christmas :)
jamie s.
Well like everybody else my guess is Christmas in July!
I'm guessing Christmas in July!! :)
kim3timemom@yahoo dot com
My guess is "Christmas in July"...thanks!
My guess is Christmas in July!
Hmmm. Looks like Winter/Christmas. Maybe Christmas in July? Or My Favorite Things?
I am going to guess Christmas in July. :) Can't wait to see it.
I am guessing Christmas in July....
scrap . n. happy at gmail
As most others have said, Christmas in July. But I also noticed a lot of appears to be circle tags...
Looks like Christmas in July! LOL! Can't wait to see the full pics! ~Bev~ skeeteror@yahoo.com
The theme is christmas
Christmas in July
Ho!Ho!Ho! It's Christmas in July. Can't wait to see the rest.
I say it's Christmas in July!!
Erin M.
Yup...definitely Christmas in July!
Another guess for "Christmas in July".
Looks like an awesome issue... can't wait to see it!!
looks like christmas to me!!
hmm... along with the gazillion others I'm on the ChRiStMas in JuLy band wagon ;)
YEA!!!! Chirstmas!!!! My favorite holiday!!!!
Yea! Christmas in July would be my guess! Thanks for the opportunity to enter the contest! can't wait to see the new issue!
Lori Reinholz
OH yes it is Christmas in July. looks like some fun cards!!!
Christmas in July.. Just love to create Christmas cards when it is so hot outside.. definitely makes for a refreshing take on the weather!
Judy Bickel
I'm going to guess "christmas in july" Hope i'm correct. Mari P
Christmas in July is my guess! I can't wait to see this issue! I am going to make all of my Christmas cards with this issue! I hope I am right and of course, I hope I win! I have posted a link on my blog to this post.
I would guess.....Christmas. Glad to see it so we can get a head start!
Nancy JR
Looks like Christmas In July
I just want to say “Thank You” for sharing your sheetloads. This will help tremendously in what I want to achieve by making the most out of the paper donations I receive. Little did you know that you would be helping animals with your blog and templates. ;-)
Blessings, Elizabeth
Christmas in July!! Woo Hoo!!
Can't wait for the next issue...
Christmas In JULY. Christmas in anymonth is always good!! I am excited
Merry Christmas! LOL I think that would be the theme :)
Christmas in July. I'm ready bring it on. Nancy Pleimann
hristmas in July and I can't wait to see:)
Is it Christmas in July?
It must be Xmas in July---my absolute favorite subject to scrap about....especially using heritage photos of 30 years or more ago!
Christmas in July...can't wait
I'm thinking it is get ready for Christmas in July. Can't wait to see this issue...
I do not have a blog yet so this is from Linda at: chucka@telusplanet.net
Hmmmm - Im guessing Christmas in July!!!!
I am going to go with the crowd on this one: Christmas in July! Thanks for the chance to play and maybe win.
Looks like my favorite holiday - Christmas! Can't wait to see it all!
Christmas/Holiday theme cards in July.
Could it be Christmas in July? It couldn't be that easy, could it?
Oooohhhh how about Christmas in July, Get a Head Start on Your Christmas Cards! I am already liking the designs I am seeing and can't wait to get my hands of them. I always start my cards as early as January but I didn't really get started until March this year, and have had many new interuptions . . . i.e. birthdays added to the list, gifts, etc to make and a wedding to put on. Thanks for letting me enter,
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" stuff. ;)
Oh..this is a big tease for me...seeing that Christmas is one of my favorite holidays.
Jules P.
imisstx at comcast dot come
YAY, Christmas in July. I love Christmas. cant wait to see all the neat idea's you'll have. Hopefully ill get lots of idea's for mine.
I beleive that the theme is "Christmas in July"
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